The Catalog lists the print books, DVDs, and other physical material in the library. For ebooks, try How do I find an ebook?
You can search the catalog from the library homepage, OR click on Library Catalog in the top menu.
You can search a number of ways including:
- By author (last name first)
- By title (first words of a title)
- By keywords - combine multiple search terms:
- sustainable development india
- cloning ethics
- shakespeare feminist criticism
Locate books in the library
Once you have found items you need, check the status and note the call number.

- Location is where the item is normally shelved.
- Call # tells you where to find it on the shelf.
- Status tells you where the item is at this time: That field will show the current location, or "Checked Out" if it is not available.
The Library of Congress call number system starts with letters
A-LA are at the left of the top of the stairs; LB-Z are at the right side of the 2nd floor.
Go to the shelves for the letters and look for the whole number, GV and 200.19 in this case, and then the decimal letter and numbers, .S63 M55 for this book.
If the item is checked out use the "Place Hold" button to have it held for you as soon as it comes in.