You do not need an EBSCO account to access resources in the EBSCO databases we subscribe to.
When you're using an EBSCO database, you have the option of creating an EBSCO account. EBSCO makes these accounts available so you can do things like save searches, save articles, and get search alerts from any EBSCO database. Creating an EBSCO account is entirely optional. However, if you want to download ebooks to a device for offline use, you must create an EBSCO account (see the related FAQ, How do I download ebooks?).
Note: EBSCO accounts are completely separate from your Edgewood College account, and are not automatically created.
How to create an EBSCO account
If you would like to create an EBSCO account, click MyEBSCO at the top corner of any EBSCO screen. From the pop-up box, click Create an Account.